
Parrick henery- A non-TA grorp leader summerything

reading this document, one thing that has really stood out to me is his passion. he is really passionate about not standing idle and standing up to Britian when they try to walk all over the American colonists. one qoute that i really liked was "The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send againsts us." i like this qoute because if i were reading this back in 1775, i would be inspired to fight againsts what ever and who ever. the fact that he is giving the presidant an figuritive altimatum of "liberty or Death" is really cool and represents his die-hard patriotism.

synthisis of TA documents and Movie clips

Watching the movie clips and reading to TA documents has shown me why and how the Revolutionary War started. I used to think I knew all about the RW from Watching Mel Gibbsons “the patriot, but I have been misled, although there are some cool facts in the movie. The movie clips and the documents have shown me that the Colonists and the Social Elite in America thought themselves as respectable British citizens, buying merchandise and other high-end goods made in London. Such as Clothes, Paintings, expensive Tea cups, an education ect. Rich and Powerful social Elite, such as Benjamin Franklin, thought them selves very respectable men. As I have learned from the movie clips, the Stamp Act was like a “bitch” slap to the face. The Stamp Act was an unprecedented Taxation of the American goods for the British Empire. The British did not ask to tax the people in America, they just did it. The Reason that the Elite in America were so hurt is that this meant that they were not respected in London, because only slaves and women and homeless people were taxed without consent. This meant that the Social Elite in London thought the Elite in America below them, this instantly sparked resentment toward the British empire the “stamp” men [the were the elected officials who were responsible for enforcing the Stamp Act].

The colonists started rebelling and boycotting British and British goods instantly, so the British took extreme measures upon Massachusetts Bay. The British sent over quite a few war ships and barricaded the Bay closed so the people could not get any supplies, the people soon became malnourished and cold, the three letters I have in front of me [Circular Letter of the Boston Committee of Correspondence; May 13, 1774, Letter from the New York Committee of Fifty-One to the Boston Committee of Correspondence; May 23, 1774, Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, October 14th, 1774] all are saying pretty much the same thing, the continental congress wants the British to Resolve 10 issues as stated in Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, October 14th, 1774, and that the American people be allowed to tax themselves and have freedom. Because “once you lose this freedom, you will never ever get it back, that is why we men must fight for it like men that know its true worth, for we truly must only fear slavery” (some guy off the movie clip, I forgot his name). There is a lot of truth in that quote, actually all of it is, however, as the unknown (I forgot her name) author states [in the movie clip] that “The power to tax has the power to destroy” i.e., “destroy” freedom.

All these actions and measures the British and the “Americans” [British colonists in America] are, is going to, lead up to the revolutionary war. But as J. Adams to T. Jefferson states in 1815 “What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the Revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The Revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected, from 1760-1775, in the course of fifteen years before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington.” he is saying that the revolution has already taken place I the minds of the people to the extent that they don’t call themselves British any more, it took 15 more years for the war to take place to physically separate America And the British Empire.


essay#1 refection/ writing process remastered

During the almost 4 week period that I was writing the essay on bacons rebellion I’ve learned or noticed that my writing process has become more mature and complete. I mean looking back during the beginning stages of my writing prompt, I have seen improvements in the areas that I needed it most. Like thinking critically about an assignment instead of doing it just to get it done by saying what the teacher wants to hear. Another big improvement for me is beginning to be able to translate my ideas onto the paper more fluidly, with out losing my train of thought or start to daydream [which is a really bad habit of mine]. My writing process is, I think, becoming better and more developed although I’m still not sure I have discovered it all the way yet but that is in the essays to come. But I’m still trying to inspire who ever is reading my work and I’m still trying to grow my vocabulary so I can use those “fancy College words”. Although I’m still trying new styles of writing I’m getting close to organizing all my crude writing skills into my writing process, I say crude because I need to refine them hella bad, but it’s a work in progress s its ok. I think the main thing is that the progress I see myself making has given me a confidence boost and now I think I can actually become a good writer by the end of this class.

Text analysis of Petition of the Virginia House of Burgesses to the House of Commons

Austin Gibbs
Text analysis of Petition of the Virginia House of Burgesses to the House of Commons

Who is writing?
The Virginia House of Burgesses

Who is the audience?
The House of Commons, aka the knights and citizens of great Brittan

Who do the writer[s] represent?
The House of Burgesses represents the best interest of the people

What is being said, argued and/or requested?
What is being requested is that the British “people” should not be taxed with out consent of the representatives chosen by the people. Who should also be acquainted wit the circumstances.

How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
It is being requested in a “respectful manner but with decent firmness”

What proof and or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
“And the remonstrants do not discern by what distinction they can be deprived of that sacred birthright and most valuable inheritance by their fellow subjects, nor with what propriety they can be taxed or affected in their estates by the Parliament” what they’re saying is that its their birthright or freedom not to be taxed of have their estates affected by parlament.




Title: Isle of Wight County: Papers Relating to Bacon's Rebellion
Author(s): Lyon G. Tyler
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Oct., 1895), pp. 111-115
Publisher(s): Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1915052

• Title: Review: [untitled]
Author(s): Lester J. Cappon
Reviewed Title(s): Torchbearer of the Revolution: The Story of Bacon's Rebellion and Its Leader.
Reviewed Authors(s): Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker
Source: The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 7, No. 2 (May, 1941), pp. 245-246
Publisher(s): Southern Historical Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2191476

• .
Title: Bacon's Rebellion
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jul., 1900), pp. 1-10
Publisher(s): Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1914836

• (Document #5)

 (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200708920144315AA1GThS)

(Document #12)

Document #10

My History book

• My dad

• Wikipedia


Cited works for BR essay

(Document #5)
(Document #12)
Document #10
The Journal of Southwestern History
William and Mary Quarterly
My History book
My dad

better final draft for Bacon's Rebellion

Aus†in Gibbs

During the colonization of the eastern coast of America, Native Americans were killing the colonists because they were “intruding” on their land. Accordingly they tried to scare off the settlers using brutal and inhumane methods, the Indians would capture settlements and “before they would deprive [the settlers] of their lives, would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins, and if life had not, though the anguish of pain, forsaken their tormented bodies, [the Indians] with there teeth, tear the nails off of [their fingers and their] toes.”(Document #5)The Natives were causing much heartache for the meager farmers and frontiersmen. I believe that Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion. The impacts that Native Americans had on the English settlers were the high taxes that the Government subjected the people to so they could built better forts; the Indians killed 60% of the settlers; and the Indians killed Bacon’s dear friend that ignited Bacons hatred for the Natives.

On one fateful day, ”The trouble began in July 1675 with a raid by the Doeg Indians on the plantation of Thomas Mathews, located in the Northern Neck section of Virginia near the Potomac River. Several of the Doegs were killed in the raid, which began in a dispute over the nonpayment of some items Mathews had apparently obtained from the tribe. The situation became critical when, in a retaliatory strike by the colonists, they attacked the wrong Indians, the Susquehanaugs, which caused large scale Indian raids to begin.”(http://answers.yahoo.com/question /index?qid=20070920144315AA1GThS) I concede that the Indians were trying to send a message to the colonists telling them to stay off of their land, though I still insist that the colonists had a right to be there so they attacked back. The reason why the Natives attacked the Mathews plantation was because of an argument over some un-paid for pigs. The Indians killed Mathew’s servant because Mathews supposedly didn’t pay for some pigs he bought from the Indians. One of the servants was Bacon’s dear friend, he didn’t do anything wrong to deserve to die. This really enraged bacon. When Nathaniel Bacon when to the governor to ask permission to fight the natives he found out that “our present Governor monopolized a trade with the Indians and granted licenses to others to trade with them for which he had every 3rd skin, which trading with the Indians proved has so fatal to these parts of the world, […] [this trading] has also brought them [the Indians] generally to use of Fire Arms with such dexterity [.]” (Document #12) this meant that the Governor is protecting the Indians for his personal gain, the Indians also acquired fire arms and were becoming quite skilled with them. Bacon also states that “it has proved fatal” to trade with the Indians because the Indians would often ambush traders and steal what ever they had on them. “the murders and depradations they have committed here are horrible and continual, laying a great part of the country desolate, and forcing the inhabitants to fly from their dwelling to their ruin[.]” (Document #12) The Indians were killing the settlers and forcing them to run away from their homes into poverty because they needed to make a living with the land that they had. In The Journal of Southwestern History the author observes that “Governor Berkeley’s policy of Vacillation encourages the Indians to terrorize the Frontier.” The fact that Indians were killing the poor settlers and the governor was not doing anything about it and was endorsing it was, I feel, the biggest catalyst for Bacons Rebellion.

Because the Indians were constantly attacking the frontiersmen and colonists, the king took over the government and started taxing the colonists so that they could pay for Indian proof forts. As said in Document #10, “We [the poor colonists] having a long time lain under great oppressions, and every year being more and more oppressed with great taxes, and still do load us greater and unnecessary burdens; it was enacted by the Governor and assembly for the building of our forts back in the woods upon several great man’s Lands, under pretense of security for against the Indians [.]” the colonists were being taxed so that the government could build useless forts because not only was the land that they used was wasted but the Indians were smart enough not to attack them. In the William and Mary Quarterly it states that the “Lives and fortunes of ye poor inhabitants [were] wretchedly sacrificed.” As I argued before the Indians were forcing the colonists to make a choice; flee their homes and forfeit their wealth, or try to fight them but ultimately die.

Another reason I know that the Natives caused Bacons Rebellion is the fact that the Natives were laying siege to the English settlements. In the history book it states “a deadly sequence of battles killed more than a thousand colonists […] the Indians destroyed thirteen English settlements and partially burned another half dozen.” That’s what the Indians were doing when they “in a very short time had, in a most inhumane manner, murthered no less then sixty innocent people [.]” (Document #5) the Susuehannah Indians were going on a killing spree for no apparent reason. The Indians killed off about 60% of the settlers and immigrants, it would be a lie to say that the settlers did not fight back but the government didn’t want them to. The Government wanted to “keep the peace” but I argue that they were too ignorant and to egotistical to care. Bacon saw what the Indians were doing and he had the courage to attempt to fix it.

In retrospect and futurespect, I firmly believe that the Native Americans caused Bacons Rebellion because they were killing the settlers that were infringing on their land. The colonists had to occupy the Natives land because English colonies were soon overpopulated by natural increase and the overwhelming number of immigrants coming to America. These people needed land to survive, so they claimed land that was outside the treaty boundaries. At first the Indians were ok with the meager settlers’ houses popping up here and there and sometimes traded with them. But the Indians grew wary of the encroaching settlers. I strongly believe that the behavior of the Indians was the main contributing factor in the Bacon’s Rebellion. The Indians killed Bacons friend which ignited Bacon’s hatred for the Natives, they instigated the need for the populist to be taxed even more which caused the colonists to rally to bacons cause, and they killed 60% of the English colonists which rallied even more support to Bacons cause. Thus starting the rebellion.

Bacon’s rebellion can be related to any anything if an organized group has a cause against unjustness’s of a bigger commerce. Bacons rebellion can be associated to my life in the way that the Union Workers are striking against the Boeing Company. The workers, such as my dad, are refusing to work for Boeing because,
- - - - “The Company is systematically trying to replace us [the machinists] with much cheaper venders [workers from different companies] who want to do our job. Where they have tried to do our job in the factory they have made many costly and time consuming mistakes. This results in rework where we actually tear the airplane apart to fix it and put it back together, which usually results in other damage. Retiree medical, pension, and other takeaways at a time when Boeing is making record profits is a real slap in the face of our members who made it all possible.”

My dad and other workers are like the poor colonists being attacked by the Indians, the Indians represent the other venders taking the jobs and doing them half assed, and the Boeing Company is the Government and they are allowing this to happen. So my dad and his coworkers are “rebelling” against the “Government” and the “Indians”. My dad and many others are fighting because they know it’s the right thing to do, standing up against the “Man” because what the company is doing is wrong and affecting them in a major way.


Final draft Aus†in Gibbs

Final draft
Aus†in Gibbs

The Indians “before they would deprive them [the settlers] of their lives, they would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins… with there teeth, tear the nails off [their fingers and their] toes.”The Natives were causing much heartache for the meager farmers and frontiersmen. They constantly harassed them and killed them with brutal tactics and methods. These facts and many others led me to believe that Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion. The impacts that Native Americans had on the English settlers were that the high taxes that the Government subjected the people to so they could built better forts; the Indians killed 60% of the settlers; and the Indians killed Bacon’s dear friend that ignited Bacons hatred for the Natives.

During the 1600’s, the Native Americans were killing settlers because they were infringing on their land. English colonies were soon overpopulated by natural increase and the overwhelming number of immigrants coming to America, thus causing the colonies to be crowded and have no land to offer newly freed indentured servants and immigrants. These people needed land to survive, so they claimed land that was outside the treaty boundaries. At first the Indians were ok with the meager settlers’ houses popping up here and there and sometimes traded with them. But the Indians grew wary of the encroaching settlers.

On one fateful day,”The trouble began in July 1675 with a raid by the Doeg Indians on the plantation of Thomas Mathews, located in the Northern Neck section of Virginia near the Potomac River. Several of the Doegs were killed in the raid, which began in a dispute over the nonpayment of some items Mathews had apparently obtained from the tribe. The situation became critical when, in a retaliatory strike by the colonists, they attacked the wrong Indians, the Susquehanaugs, which caused large scale Indian raids to begin.”(http://answers.yahoo.com/question /index?qid=20070920144315AA1GThS) I concede that the Indians were trying to send a message to the colonists telling them to stay off of their land, I still insist that the colonists had a right to be there so they attacked back. The reason why the Natives attacked the Mathews plantation was because of an argument over some un-paid for pigs. The Indians killed Mathew’s servant because Mathews supposedly didn’t pay for some pigs he bought from the Indians. One of the servants was Bacon’s dear friend, he didn’t do anything wrong to deserve to die. This really enraged bacon. When Nathaniel Bacon when to the governor to ask permission to fight the natives he found out that “our present Governor monopolized a trade with the Indians and granted licenses to others to trade with them for which he had every 3rd skin, which trading with the Indians proved has so fatal to these parts of the world, […] [this trading] has also brought them [the Indians] generally to use of Fire Arms with such dexterity [.]”(Document #12) this meant that the Governor is protecting the Indians for his personal gain, the Indians also acquired fire arms and were becoming quite skilled with them. Bacon also states that “it has proved fatal” to trade with the Indians because the Indians would often ambush traders and steal what ever they had on them.the murders and depradations they have committed here are horrible and continual, laying a great part of the country desolate, and forcing the inhabitants to fly from their dwelling to their ruin[.]”(Document #12) The Indians were killing the settlers and forcing them to run away from their homes into poverty because they needed to make a living with the land that they had. In The Journal of Southwestern History the author observes that “Governor Berkeley’s policy of Vacillation encourages the Indians to terrorize the Frontier.” The fact that Indians were killing the poor settlers and the governor was not doing anything about it, but was endorsing it was the biggest catalyst for Bacons Rebellion.

In addition, the Indians were laying siege to the English settlements. In the history book it states “a deadly sequence of battles killed more than a thousand colonists […] the Indians destroyed thirteen English settlements and partially burned another half dozen.” That’s what the Indians were doing when they “in a very short time had, in a most inhumane manner, murthered no less then sixty innocent people [.]”(Document #5) the Susuehannah Indians were going on a killing spree for no apparent reason. The Indians killed off about 60% of the settlers and immigrants, it would be a lie to say that the settlers did not fight back but the government didn’t want them to. The Government wanted to “keep the peace” but I argue that they were too ignorant and to egotistical to care. Bacon saw what the Indians were doing and he had the courage to attempt to fix it.

Since the Indians were constantly attacking the fronteriesmen and colonists the king took over the government and started taxing the colonists so that they could pay for Indian proof forts. As said in Document #10, “We [the poor colonists] having a long time lain under great oppressions, and every year being more and more oppressed with great taxes, and still do load us greater and unnecessary burdens; it was enacted by the Governor and assembly for the building of our forts back in the woods upon several great man’s Lands, under pretense of security for against the Indians [.]” the colonists were being taxed so that the government could build useless forts because not only was the land that they used was wasted but the Indians were smart enough not to attack them. In the William and Mary Quarterly it states that the “Lives and fortunes of ye poor inhabitants [were] wretchedly sacrificed.” As I argued before the Indians were forcing the colonists to make a choice; flee their homes and forfeit their wealth, or try to fight them but ultimately die.

In conclusion, the behavior of the Indians was the main contributing factor in the Bacon’s Rebellion. The Indians killed Bacons friend which ignited Bacon’s hatred for the Natives, they instigated the need for the populist to be taxed even more which caused the colonists to rally to bacons cause, and they killed 60% of the English colonists which rallied even more to support Bacons cause. Thus starting the rebellion.

Bacon’s rebellion can be related to any anything if an organized group has a cause against unjustness’s of a bigger commerce. The way I relate Bacons rebellion to my life and my thought process is the Union Workers Striking against he Boeing Company. The workers, such as my dad, are refusing to work for Boeing because, and I quoted him, “The Company is systematically trying to replace us [the machinists] with much cheaper venders [workers from different companies] who want to do our job. Where they have tried to do our job in the factory they have made many costly and time consuming mistakes. This results in rework where we actually tear the airplane apart to fix it and put it back together, which usually results in other damage. Retiree medical, pension, and other takeaways at a time when Boeing is making record profits is a real slap in the face of our members who made it all possible.” My dad and many others are fighting because they know it’s the right thing to do, standing up against the “Man” because what the company is doing is wrong and affecting them in a major way.

RD #2

Rough Draft #2
The Indians “before they would deprive them [the settlers] of their lives, they would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins… with there teeth, tear the nails off [their fingers and their] toes.”The Natives were causing much heartache for the meager farmers and frontiersmen. They constantly harassed them and killed them with brutal tactics and methods. These facts and many others led me to believe that Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion. The impacts that Native Americans had on the English settlers were that the high taxes that the Government subjected the people to so they could built better forts; the Indians killed 60% of the settlers; and the Indians killed Bacon’s dear friend that ignited Bacons hatred for the Natives.

During the 1600’s, the Native Americans were killing settlers because they were infringing on their land. English colonies were soon overpopulated by natural increase and the overwhelming number of immigrants coming to America, thus causing the colonies to be crowded and have no land to offer newly freed indentured servants and immigrants. These people needed land to survive, so they claimed land that was outside the treaty boundaries. At first the Indians were ok with the meager settlers’ houses popping up here and there and sometimes traded with them. But the Indians grew wary of the encroaching settlers.

On one fateful day,”The trouble began in July 1675 with a raid by the Doeg Indians on the plantation of Thomas Mathews, located in the Northern Neck section of Virginia near the Potomac River. Several of the Doegs were killed in the raid, which began in a dispute over the nonpayment of some items Mathews had apparently obtained from the tribe. The situation became critical when, in a retaliatory strike by the colonists, they attacked the wrong Indians, the Susquehanaugs, which caused large scale Indian raids to begin.”(http://answers.yahoo.com/question /index?qid=20070920144315AA1GThS) the Indians were trying to send a message to the colonists telling them to stay off of their land, but the colonists had a right to be there so they attacked back. The reason why the Natives attacked the Mathews plantation was because of an argument over some un-paid for pigs. The Indians killed Mathew’s servant because Mathews supposedly didn’t pay for some pigs he bought from the Indians. One of the servants was Bacon’s dear friend, he didn’t do anything wrong to deserve to die. This really enraged bacon. When Nathaniel Bacon when to the governor to ask permission to fight the natives he found out that “our present Governor monopolized a trade with the Indians and granted licenses to others to trade with them for which he had every 3rd skin, which trading with the Indians proved has so fatal to these parts of the world, […] [this trading] has also brought them [the Indians] generally to use of Fire Arms with such dexterity [.]”(Document #12) this meant that the Governor is protecting the Indians for his personal gain, the Indians also acquired fire arms and were becoming quite skilled with them. Bacon also states that “it has proved fatal” to trade with the Indians because the Indians would often ambush traders and steal what ever they had on them. “the murders and depradations they have committed here are horrible and continual, laying a great part of the country desolate, and forcing the inhabitants to fly from their dwelling to their ruin[.]”(Document #12) the Indians were killing the settlers and forcing them to run away from their homes into poverty, The fact that Indians were killing the poor settlers and the governor was not doing anything about it was the biggest catalyst for Bacons Rebellion.

In addition, the Indians were laying siege to the English settlements. In the history book it states “a deadly sequence of battles killed more than a thousand colonists […] the Indians destroyed thirteen English settlements and partially burned another half dozen.” That’s what the Indians were doing when they “in a very short time had, in a most inhumane manner, murthered no less then sixty innocent people [.]”(Document #5) the Susuehannah Indians were going on a killing spree for no apparent reason. The Indians killed off about 60% of the settlers and immigrants, it would be a lie to say that the settlers did not fight back but the government didn’t want them to. The Government wanted to “keep the peace” but I argue that they were too ignorant and to egotistical to care. Bacon saw what the Indians were doing and he had the courage to attempt to fix it.

Since the Indians were constantly attacking the fronteriesmen and colonists the king took over the government and started taxing the colonists so that they could pay for Indian proof forts. As said in Document #10, “We [the poor colonists] having a long time lain under great oppressions, and every year being more and more oppressed with great taxes, and still do load us greater and unnecessary burdens; it was enacted by the Governor and assembly for the building of our forts back in the woods upon several great man’s Lands, under pretense of security for against the Indians [.]” the colonists were being taxed so that the government could build useless forts because not only was the land that they used was wasted but the Indians were smart enough not to attack them.

In conclusion, the behavior of the Indians was the main contributing factor in the Bacon’s Rebellion. The Indians killed Bacons friend which ignited Bacon’s hatred for the Natives, they instigated the need for the populist to be taxed even more which caused the colonists to rally to bacons cause, and they killed 60% of the English colonists which rallied even more to support Bacons cause. Thus starting the rebellion.


rough draft #1 i know.. im behind -.-

Rough Draft #1
The Indians “before they would deprive them [the settlers] of their lives, they would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins… with there teeth, tear the nails off [their fingers and their] toes.”The Natives were causing much heartache for the meager farmers and frontiersmen. They constantly harassed them and killed them with brutal tactics and methods. These facts and many others led me to believe that Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion. The impacts that Native Americans had on the English settlers were that the high taxes that the Government subjected the people to so they could built better forts; the Indians killed 60% of the settlers; and the Indians killed Bacon’s dear friend that ignited Bacons hatred for the Natives.

During the 1600’s, the Native Americans were killing settlers because they were encroaching on their land. English colonies were soon overpopulated by natural increase and the overwhelming immigrants coming to America, thus causing the colonies to be crowded and have no land to offer new freed indentured servants and immigrants. These people needed land to survive, so they claimed land that was outside the treaty boundaries. At first the Indians were ok with the meager settlers’ houses popping up here and there and sometimes traded with them. But the Indians grew wary of the encroaching settlers.

On one fateful day”The trouble began in July 1675 with a raid by the Doeg Indians on the plantation of Thomas Mathews, located in the Northern Neck section of Virginia near the Potomac River. Several of the Doegs were killed in the raid, which began in a dispute over the nonpayment of some items Mathews had apparently obtained from the tribe. The situation became critical when, in a retaliatory strike by the colonists, they attacked the wrong Indians, the Susquehanaugs, which caused large scale Indian raids to begin.”(http://answers.yahoo.com/question /index?qid=20070920144315AA1GThS) the Indians were trying to send a message to the colonists telling them to stay off their land, but the colonists had a right to be there so they attacked back. The reason why they attacked the Mathews plantation was an argument over some un-paid for pigs. The Indians killed Mathew’s servant because Mathews supposedly didn’t pay for some pigs he bought from the Indians. One of the servants was Bacon’s dear friend, he didn’t do anything wrong to deserve to die. This really pissed off bacon. When Nathaniel Bacon when to the governor to ask permission to fight the natives he found out that “our present Governor monopolized a trade with the Indians and granted licenses to others to trade with them for which he had every 3rd skin, which trading with the Indians proved has proved so fatal to these parts of the world, […] [this trading] has also brought them [the Indians] generally to use of Fire Arms with such dexterity [.]”(Document #12) this meant that the Governor is protecting the Indians for his personal gain, the Indians also acquired fire arms and were becoming quite skilled with them. Bacon also states that “it has proved fatal” to trade with the Indians because the Indians would often ambush traders and steal what ever they had on them. “the murders and depradations they have committed here are horrible and continual, laying a great part of the country desolate, and forcing the inhabitants to fly from their dwelling to their ruin[.]”(Document #12) the Indians were killing the settlers and forcing them to run away from their homes into poverty, The fact that Indians were killing the poor settlers and the governor was not doing anything about it was the biggest catalyst for Bacons Rebellion.

Dictionary.com defines an act of war as: "an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace.” That’s what the Indians were doing when they “in a very short time had, in a most inhumane manner, murthered no less then 60 innocent people [.]”(Document #5) the Susuehannah Indians were going on a killing spree for no apparent reason. The Indians killed off about 60% of the settlers and immigrants, it would be a lie to say that the settlers did not fight back but the government didn’t want them to, they wanted to “keep the peace” But they were too ignorant and self-centered to care. But bacon saw what the Indians were doing and he had the balls to attempt to fix it.
Since the Indians were constantly attacking the fronteriesmen and colonists the king took over the government and started taxing the colonists so that they could pay for Indian proof forts. As said in Document #10, “We [the poor colonists] having a long time lain under great oppressions, and every year being more and more oppressed with great taxes, and still do load us greater and unnecessary burdens; it was enacted by the Governor and assembly for the building of our forts back in the woods upon several great man’s Lands, under pretense of security for against the Indians [.]” the colonists were being taxed so that the government could build useless forts because not only was the land that they used was wasted but the Indians were smart enough not to attack them.

In conclusion, Indians were the main contributing factor in the Bacon’s Rebellion. The Indians killed Bacons friend which ignited Bacon’s hatred for them, they cause the need for the populist to be taxed even more which cause the colonists to rally to bacons cause, and they killed 60% or the English colonies which rallied even more to support Bacons Rebellion.


Response to Olaudah Equiano

African Slave trade was horrible, the Africans were captured and taken from their homeland to be crammed into a ships hull. 10-25% of these poor people died on the way to the ships destination from diseases from the lack or fresh air and all the bodily waste. the slave traders themselves were brutish and malevolent, they flogged a man so brutally they killed him. Equiano stated that the stench of the Hull was sickening, he couldn't eat because it was so bad and he said the air itself "was hazardous to your health".

Text Analysis

Text Analysis by Austin Gibbs

The author of this letter is a John Peter Zenger.
The audience is the Colonial Government of New York, and all Governments who are Monarchies who don’t allow “freedom of Speech”
John Zenger represents everyone who has been criticized or slandered for trying to spread the truth via writing [aka the press and fellow journalists], who happens to be every man “who loves his country” who has an opinion about what’s going on [usually about a wicked minister, Zenger doesn’t count the writing of praise and glory because that’s all writers are allowed to write about at that time period]
What is being argued and requested in this letter is that everyone should have to freedom to write what they think, whether it is praise or criticism.
How Zenger is arguing this point is that freedom of the press is a necessity. That it has to happen because “the liberty of the press can never be maintained,” and “it is rather incorporated and interwoven with our very constitution.”
The proof used to legitimize his argument is this, “No nation ancient or modern ever lost the liberty of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their sentiments but forthwith lost their liberty in general and became slaves. LIBERTY and SLAVERY! How amiable is one! How odious and abominable the other! Liberty is universal redemption, joy, and happiness; but servitude is absolute reprobation and everlasting perdition in politics.” He is saying that no nation has ever been destroyed for the writings of a few people. He is also saying that liberty is required for living a happy, joyful life, but if there is no freedom of the press it’s a joyless bleak world.

Draft #1

Rough Draft#1
The Indians “before they would deprive them [the settlers] of their lives, they would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins… with there teeth, tear the nails off [their fingers and their] toes.”The Natives were causing much heartache for the meager farmers and frontiersmen. They constantly harassed them and on occasion killed them with brutal tactics and methods. These facts and many others led me to believe that Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion. The three impacts that Native Americans had on the English settlers were that the high taxes that the Government subjected the people to so they could built better forts; the Indians burned and pillaged 13 out of the 18 colonies; and the Indians killed Bacon’s dear friend that ignited Bacons hatred for the Natives.

During the 1600’s, the Native Americans were killing settlers because they were encroaching on their land

thesis and outline #2

I) Main point #1: Native Americans were one of the major Causes for Bacons Rebellion
----a) Indians killed, pillaged, burned 13 out of the 18 English colonies.
----b) cited evidence--- Ben’s power points, very factual and interesting (I don’t know how to summarize the power point

II) Main point#2: the Native Americans attacks were the reason bacon didn’t like the Governor which started the whole mess.
------a) the governor was protecting the Indians because of the profitable trading of beaver pelts from the Indians to England.
------b) cited works: unknown author, document# 9 and #38

III) Main point #3: why the Indians are responsible or BR (need to change to not sound redundant)
------a) the Indian attacks led to an increase of tax’s so that the fort could use the money to fend off the Indians.
------b)cited works: Howard Zinn, pg 40. The whole article is about the diversification and the gap between the rich and poor. The laws and taxes that disabled the poor even further was also an issue.

Discussion: this is where I input the “I SAY” of the essay since the paper in an interpretation of primary documents and other credible sources. I will summarize what I think the Rebellion is all about and it will have my perspective on the viewpoints. Also where I relate the Rebellion to today.




1) Main point #1: Native Americans were one of the major Causes for Bacons Rebellion
----a) Indians killed, pillaged, burned 13 out of the 18 English colonies.
--------b) cited evidence--- Ben’s power points, very factual and interesting (I don’t know how to summarize the power point

2) Main point#2: native Americans were the reason bacon didn’t like the Governor, which started the whole mess.
------a) the governor was protecting the Indians because of the profitable trading of beaver pelts from the Indians to England.
-------------b) cited works: unknown author, document# 9 and #38

3) Main point #3: why the Indians are responsible or BR (need to change to not sound redundant)
------a) the Indian attacks led to an increase of tax’s so that the fort could use the money to fend off the Indians.
-------------b)cited works: Howard Zinn, pg 40. The whole article is about the diversification and the gap between the rich and poor. The laws and taxes that disabled the poor even further was also an issue.

Desscition: this is where I input the “I SAY” of the essay since the paper in an interpritiation of primary documents and other credible sorces. I will summarize what I think the Rebellion is all about and it will have my perspective on the vewipoints.

why am i here?

why am i here? i am here to further my education in a shorter amount of time. what i mean by that is when i complete these 2 years of PSEC, i will have my AA and have to sped less time in college than the normal high school grad. but that's not the only reason, i am also here to prove to myself that I'm not a quitter when the work gets tough, I'm going to prove to myself that i can do anything with the fiery determination of a concentrated teenager with a.d.d. usually when I'm confronted with hard school work or a huge amount of it i used to just give up on it or get distracted by some shiny object. and since iv been here iv developed a really effective "can-do" attitude. but the main reason i am here is to prove to my friends that i can take the heavy work laod and not give up like they did.

Check SpellingAdd Image


Some “Susquahanocks in Revenge of the Maryland business came suddenly down upon the weak plantations… and killed at one time 36 persons.”
In the ongoing debate of Bacon’s Rebellion, one controversial issue has been what the cause of the rebellion was, I advocate that the Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion. They caused a lot of heartache for the meager farmers and frontiersmen. They constantly harassed them and on occasion killed them with brutal tactics and methods.
I. In 1675, war between Indians and colonists in New England was set off when Indians in western MA attacked colonial settlements
II. Indians when they attacked encroaching settlers they would capture them and “before they would deprive them [settlers] of their lives, they would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins… with there teeth, tear off the nails of [there fingers and their] toes.”
III. Susquehannahs killed 60% of the frontiersmen.
IV. The Indians killed Bacons’ friend
V. They stole corn and pigs

I believe that the Indians are the cause for Bacons Rebellion because this Indians killed 60% of the frontiersmen and also Bacons’ friend, _________. The Indians also instigated the war in 1675, they were also a major cause that the general populace and Bacon didn’t like the governor. The governor protected the Indians because he had a lucrative business trading beaver pelts.
Works cited:
Ben’s power points
The packet of documents
pg38 who were the colonists
(Pg77 whether they be friends or foes


Native Americans were the major cause for Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion.


John Winthrop's Serman Quote break down

#1 “The definition which the scripture gives us of love is this: ‘Love is the bond of perfection.’ [I]t is a bond or ligament. . . . There is no body but consists of parts and that which each part so contiguous to others as thereby they do mutually participate with each other, both in strength and infirmity, in pleasure and pain. . . . Christ and his church make one body. The several parts of this body, considered apart before they were united, were disproportionate and as much disordering as so many contrary qualities or elements, [however, when united], it is become the most perfect and best proportioned body in the world[.]”

The people that believe in God are instantly connected to him. That connection creates a bond of perfection between the body (people) and the Lord. When Winthrop states that the body is disproportionate alone, he means that we were created to become part of God’s body, and if we are alone we are disordering or pretty much helpless. But when we are united in God, we are a lean, mean, working machine.

#2 “Whatsoever we did or ought to have done when we lived in England, the same must we do, and more also, where we go.”

John meant that where ever they end up, they must do more than what they did in England. What I mean by this is that the Puritans thought the Church of England corrupt or un-pure, Winthrop wanted his church to go above and beyond what they did in England.

#3 “Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with him for this work. We have taken out a commission; the Lord hath given us leave to draw our own articles. We have professed to enterprise these actions . . . . Now if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath he ratified this covenant and sealed our commission, [and] will expect a strict performance of the articles contained in it.”

This quote is explaining some sort transfer between the original English Church way and a new beginning. Since this quote is saying that they are on a mission from God then they “have” to put on a strict performance by following the bible to a “T”.

#4 “[W]hen he shall make us a praise and glory that men shall say of succeeding [colonies], ‘the Lord make it like that of New England.’ For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us [.]”

This is saying that all the other colonies and the people back home in England are look at them to see if they are going to fail and also to be an example to the rest of the Puritan colonies when they say “city upon a hill”. The quote is also saying that they want God to shape there colony into a recpectfull, God fearing one when Winthrop says “Lord make it like that of new England”. <(^^<)

JSPOR research summery

During my research on the JSPOR, I found countless articles helping me in my quest for solid facts on Bacon’s Rebellion. All of them proved worthy to be used but I only chose a few, like “The William and Mary Quarterly © 1900”, and “The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Oct., 1895), pp. 111-115” and also “The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 7, No. 2 (May, 1941), pp. 245-246”.

I liked the fact that the articles were written around 1900, the historical value of these I think are a great help because they are primary documents were written way back in time, and probably they [the authors] did their own research from the 1600 and 1700 that related to bacons rebellion.

But I have to say using JSPOR is a pain in the butt to use because google.com is way easier and faster. JSPOR you have to click to go to the next page and it takes a while to load, then u have to go through the long process of emailing it to yourself. It does have good information, but I like Google better. <(^^<)


They say: Bacons rebellion2

In the ongoing debate of Bacon’s Rebellion, one controversial issue has been whether or not the rebellion was warranted or not. On the one hand Bacon and the colonists associated to the rebellion thought that they were doing the right thing because Bacon “claimed that by organizing the unauthorized campaign against the encroaching Indians he was providing a release for the colonists’ frustration.” (Pg77 whether they be friends or foes) Not only would the colonists’ have something to let loose their contempt upon but also they thought it healthy to do so. But what really made the colonists’ mad was the fact that Governor Berkeley “made the people jealous that the Governor [was] for the lucre [money/cash] of the beaver trade, ect., with the Indians, [he] rather sought to protect the Indians than them [colonists’].”(Pg77 whether they be friends or foes) Berkeley had a beaver trade monopoly and was making a large profit off of his cash crop and didn’t want Bacon disturbing it. One of the main things Bacon accomplished was “Blending the hatred for Indians with the common peoples anger toward the rich” (pg38 who were the colonists’) in the paper called “Decoration of the people.”On the other hand, the rebellion is thought of as fair and almost necessary. As said in "A Young Peoples History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, “By the 1670’s rich landowners controlled most of Virginia. As a result, many ordinary people felt that they were pushed toward the frontier. Life was more dangerous there. The settlers had problems with the native Americans… the frontiersmen felt that the colonial government had let them down, they were angry, and they weren’t the only ones.” The common people were being pushed into the wilderness to try to scratch a living and fight off the Indians. In the “Document # 5” it states that the Indians when they attacked encroaching settlers they would capture them and “before they would deprive them [settlers] of their lives, they would take great deal of time to deprive them first their skins… with there teeth, tear the nails of [there fingers and their] toes.” Obviously the settlers had a right to fight back right? “The Government was not doing anything because they were corrupt and didn’t care about the settlers and only cared about the money they were making off the Indians, even though the "Susquehannahs killed 60% of the frontiersmen." The people looked for an answer and Bacon rose to the pulpit to preach his revolution of the Virginian government.

college 100 College fair assignment

The purpose of this worksheet/assignment is to assist in making your day at the National College Fair as productive as possible. Your journey of exploring post-secondary educational programs and career options will be a life-long one, but it is critically important at this time. Please complete each section below. Your responses are to be submitted to Terry by Oct. 9th.We suggest that you use the following questions as an interview guide, but certainly ask whatever questions you like: What is the average class size for freshman classes, as well as upper division? How would they describe the relationship between students and instructors at their college? Does their university place a greater emphasis on research or on teaching? What are their policies and procedures relative to financial aide, Scholarships, work-study, etc.? What internship, cooperative-education, and foreign study opportunities are available to undergraduate students? What major is their college best known for? What are the transfer policies and admissions standards for their college, including college testing such as SAT and/or ACT? How would they describe student life on their campus and in the local community? 1) To gain a broad perspective relative to the different types of colleges, campuses, and programs, provide the name and a brief description of the following: (Do not hesitate to explore colleges outside the Northwest states, do not use the same college twice, and do not simply list information available on their website.) A public college: University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington has multiple internships available for undergraduate and graduate students, has a beautiful campus. Rooming and board are available, but should not be necessary for me.

A private college: Concordia University
Located in Portland, Oregon. The University promotes an interdisciplinary approach to learning in which I won't just learn the facts and figures – I’ll learn how to think. Upon graduation ill be equipped with a broad education, a keen intellect, and needed experience.
A rural college: Evergreen
Evergreen is appearing The college ranks highly among national and West Coast schools in, “America’s Best Colleges 2009” by US News and World Report. Evergreen ranked highly overall and because of the A+ Schools for B Students, a grouping for colleges that look beyond grades to other indicators of student success, also described as schools with “first rate programs and strong reputations.” Plus it has a highly recommended A&P license training course.

A traditional large university: University of Phoenix
They offer Bachelor’s, master's or doctoral degree, that can help me reach my goal while I work. University of Phoenix offers degree programs in a variety of fields which are designed to provide up to date skills and knowledge. Program availability varies by location and learning format.

A small alternative college: Everett CC
AT Everett CC ill find small classes, great teacher-student relationship, and one of the best A&P license programs.

2) Select a college major that you might be interested in pursuing. (A&P license/ aviation mechanic) Find three colleges that are known to offer quality programs in that major. You may choose only one of the three colleges from within the state of Washington. Briefly describe what impressed you about each of these colleges. Then finally, describe how your overall educational experience might differ if you were to choose one college over the others. In making your comparisons, be sure to consider some the issues raised in the “suggested questions” above. (You probably should do some research on this before attending the Fair)
Everett CC
What impressed me about Everett CC is the small classes, great teacher-student relationship, and one of the best A&P license programs.

What impressed me about Evergreen is that it ranks highly among national and West Coast schools in, “America’s Best Colleges 2009” by US News and World Report. Evergreen ranked highly overall and because of the A+ Schools for B Students, the grouping for colleges that look beyond grades to other indicators of student success, also described as schools with “first rate programs and strong reputations.” Plus it has a highly recommended A&P license training course.
South Seattle: I wasn’t really impressed about this CC because they didn’t know what they were talking about and failed to answer my questions without looking into the brochure for like 5 min.

3) Attend at least one of the workshops during your time at the Fair. Briefly describe the content of the workshop and evaluate the information received. I went to two workshops, one was about financial aid, and the other was what the colleges are looking for in future students. The financial aid work shop was absolutely boring and almost useless, the only reason I when to it is because I got the work shops mixed up. The other workshop was the admissions, it was a lengthy boring speech about how you need to write the admission essay with information that a database or a file could tell them. Also to tell them about your troubles and how you over came life, and the life changing moments that made you a better person.4) Write a personal evaluation of your experience of attending the National College Fair. Share whatever thoughts you have, but be sure to include a discussion of the following:All of my questions were answered and now I will move on to the SATs and impressing the schools I want to attend. Now I have to get good grades and focus on my college studies. All in all the college fair gave me a good idea about what schools are best for me and what I need to do to get there and achieve greatness in life.


They say: Bacons rebellion

In discussions of Bacon’s Rebellion, one controversial issue has been whether or not the rebellion was warranted or not. On the one hand Bacon and the colonists associated to the rebellion thought that they were doing the right thing because Bacon “claimed that by organizing the unauthorized campaign against the encroaching Indians he was providing a release for the colonists’ frustration.” (Pg77 whether they be friends or foes) Not only would the colonists’ have something to let loose their contempt upon but also they thought it healthy to do so. But what really made the colonists’ mad was the fact that Governor Berkeley “made the people jealous that the Governor [was] for the lucre [money/cash] of the beaver trade, ect., with the Indians, [he] rather sought to protect the Indians than them [colonists’].”(Pg77 whether they be friends or foes) Berkeley had a beaver trade monopoly and was making a large profit off of his cash crop and didn’t want Bacon disturbing it. One of the main things Bacon accomplished was “Blending the hatred for Indians with the common peoples anger toward the rich” (pg38 who were the colonists’) in the paper called “Decoration of the people.”
On the other hand, the rebellion is thought of as fair and almost necessary. As said in "A Young Peoples History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, “By the 1670’s rich landowners controlled most of Virginia. As a result, many ordinary people felt that they were pushed toward the frontier. Life was more dangerous there. The settlers had problems with the native Americans… the frontiersmen felt that the colonial government had let them down, they were angry, and they weren’t the only ones.” The common people were being pushed into the wilderness to try to scratch a living and fight off the Indians. The Government was not doing anything because they were corrupt and didn’t care about the settlers and only cared about the money they were making off the Indians. The people looked for an answer and Bacon rose to the pulpit to preach his revolution of the Virginian government. My own view is that even though Bacon had very good reasons to fight and over throw the government and the assembly, they had no right to kill the Indians fighting to take back their stolen lands.


Political Economy’ of the Body

Political Economy’ of the Body

The Quote is saying that “the body” or a slave is forced to work for “Power relations” or their master. Since is was thought the more slaves you had the more power or wealth you had, so the “body” (slaves or workers) were directly involved in the political field. The masters “invest” in their slave labor or “the body” because the want to keep their work force alive and in tip-top shape. The master “marks” their workers so they know that they are a owned piece of property and not a human, the owners wanted the salves to thin that they were animals so that they never questioned why they were forced to work and revolted. The owners train them and force them to carry out tasks while smiling at them.

The second Quote is saying that Domination and forcing the “body” to work and subject them to inhumanities, but also not to the point of malnutrition or exhaustion. Because the slaves need to bebeatin so they think that if they try to revolt that they will be beaten into a bazillion pieces.

The quote is saying that power corrupts man and they are condemned for it because if you’re corrupted then you pretty much are evil. Since he is on his little power trip he would be hatful toward his subjects because once you have power you don’t want to give it up and since slave rebellions were popping up the master would probably scare the crap or torment them so they would not ever thing about rebelling and making him really mad.

Sweet addiction of the European culture

The Holy Herb
Austin Gibbs

Tobacco in the 16th century was first thought as “A custome loathsome to the eye, hateful to the Nose, harmful to the braine, dangerous to the lungs, and blacke stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible… smoke of the pit of the bottomlessse.” Said by King James 1st, but when Spaniards first brought tobacco to Europe during the 16th century physicians praised it as a wonder drug, healing all ailments. “It’s not just for the sick, but the healthy as well”. Such strong recommendations by learned men and everyday experiences from commoners sparked a new past time for all of Europe. The main sorce of tobacco was grown in the English colonies in the Chesapeake, who were “wholly built on smoke”, the colonies prospered by the ever-increasing demand for this “holy herb”. In 1603 England imported only 25k pounds of tobacco, by 1700 the imported 40 million pounds , almost all from the Chesapeake colonies. The huge increase of tobacco supply caused the price of tobacco to plummet, making it affordable to everyone including commoners and slaves. Tobacco altered European culture and spawned new industries, since everyone smoked because it was highly addictive, the public needed pipes, boxes to hold their tobacco/snuff, pipe cleaners, spittoons, flint or sparkers to light their (most of the time) flavored tobacco. This cause European growth because of the high demand of tobacco and all the jobs it created caused England to prosper.