
Destruction of the Indies...

In recent discussions of New Spain and “Destruction of the Indies”, a controversial issue has been the brutal savagery and crudely of the Spanish militia. On the other hand the Spanish argue that the Indians deserve the destruction because they are simpleminded and do not worship the “true” God. From this perspective, it’s hard to see how the Spaniards justified their actions using the Lords name. In the words of one of this view’s main proponents, “...so qualified by the Almighty, as is premention’d.” My own view is that the Spaniards had no right to “barbarously butcher’d and harass’d with several kinds of torment…” I maintain that the Indians were king and gracious to the Spaniards and “reverenced them as persons descended from heaven…” how could they viciously kill hundreds of women and children for sport and betting on who could cut a man in two with one slice. It is utterly disgusting what the Spaniards did, it’s just horrible to try to imagine what the Indians went through. This issue is important because it shows the arrogance and cruelty of people when confronted with something new.

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