Essay number 2 is far more easy for me. saying that, the first essay i did was sloppy and horrible. since we had almost 4 weeks to do it, i became lazy and disfuntional. the reason i became lazy and disfuntional was i thought in the back of my mind, "oh, ill have plenty of time to work on this stupid essay later, i can afford to relax and pwn noobs on halo." but to my surprize i was way behind and i didnt turn in my roughtdraft and lost 50 points.
that was a wake up call to me, and now that i have competed my second essay i feel that i did much better under the shorter time frame. it encouraged me to do more work more often; instead of doing a parragragh a day, i wrote a whole rough draft and edited it everyday. i used to think that one rough draft was good enough to proceed to the final, but doing that i missed out on a whole bunch of creative and critical thinking steps which produced a crappy #1 essay and i was graded thusly. [low pass]
when i think and reflect on my second essay i feel confident i did they best work in writing i had ever done, i put alot of hours into that paper and i feel that i will earn a good grade. writing this paper has, i think, unlocked or crushed a mental road block that i used to think that i couldent write or i was a bad writer. i'd like to think that i have matured greatly in my writing proccess and i feel that my creative/critical thinking skills have greatly exceeded what i thought i was capeble of
whiskey rebellion non group leader
the document is basically saying that Washington will send out the military if the rebellion will not stop
essay #2 final draft
A journal entry by a disgruntled loyalist in North Carolina
As a member of the loyalist cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts and mayhem at the hands of the Patriots. The Patriots have done this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, protection, and economic stability, North Carolina (and all the colonies) will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
I have seen Violence in North Carolina has erupt in the form of a civil war between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”(Rankin & Babits.4). North Carolina has been and is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high ratio of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading throughout the colonies in just a few weeks from the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like the Patriots force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. The argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Britain because the Patriots claim the king is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of his subjects thousands of miles away. It is clear that they have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was, thus making them hypocrites.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. The Continental Congress have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalist, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights of North Carolina the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can they write these “rights” for ALL men, and then break them treating us loyalists like rabid dogs? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when they will not allow the king to protect us and when the men of congress let patriots tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to us loyalists.
The torments caused by this civil war and lack of protection are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists (Van Tyne, Van H. Tyne, & Claude H Van Tyne. 3). I believe that these deeds do not go unheard by the Continental Congress but go unpunished, if the Congress cannot control its Patriotic subjects, how can I, we, expect them to run these colonies in a unified whole. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling. I believe that Northern America to truly be successful we need the economic support of our steadfast King and the loyalist people.
As a loyalist, I believe that economic stability is essential for prosperity of the colonies. The patriots say “ in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1) The Continental Congress wants to stop exporting, importing, and buying/selling slaves. I, for one, think these actions are foolish and childish. For the patriots to make the colonies stop exporting, importing, and buying slaves, means that the people have no income to buy food, clothing, and supplies. Meaning the people would not be able to sell their goods to buy basic necessities, they would not be able to their economy afloat, and the southern states would fail from the lack of labor.
Once again I say as a proud loyalist that the king knows what’s best for this new land and its inhabitants. His experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king. He provides political support, protection, and economic stability to a divided land that needs it. He has ruled his empire without fail and we should trust him to lead us as well. LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Continental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008 .
As a member of the loyalist cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts and mayhem at the hands of the Patriots. The Patriots have done this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, protection, and economic stability, North Carolina (and all the colonies) will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
I have seen Violence in North Carolina has erupt in the form of a civil war between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”(Rankin & Babits.4). North Carolina has been and is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high ratio of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading throughout the colonies in just a few weeks from the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like the Patriots force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. The argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Britain because the Patriots claim the king is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of his subjects thousands of miles away. It is clear that they have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was, thus making them hypocrites.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. The Continental Congress have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalist, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights of North Carolina the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can they write these “rights” for ALL men, and then break them treating us loyalists like rabid dogs? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when they will not allow the king to protect us and when the men of congress let patriots tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to us loyalists.
The torments caused by this civil war and lack of protection are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists (Van Tyne, Van H. Tyne, & Claude H Van Tyne. 3). I believe that these deeds do not go unheard by the Continental Congress but go unpunished, if the Congress cannot control its Patriotic subjects, how can I, we, expect them to run these colonies in a unified whole. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling. I believe that Northern America to truly be successful we need the economic support of our steadfast King and the loyalist people.
As a loyalist, I believe that economic stability is essential for prosperity of the colonies. The patriots say “ in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1) The Continental Congress wants to stop exporting, importing, and buying/selling slaves. I, for one, think these actions are foolish and childish. For the patriots to make the colonies stop exporting, importing, and buying slaves, means that the people have no income to buy food, clothing, and supplies. Meaning the people would not be able to sell their goods to buy basic necessities, they would not be able to their economy afloat, and the southern states would fail from the lack of labor.
Once again I say as a proud loyalist that the king knows what’s best for this new land and its inhabitants. His experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king. He provides political support, protection, and economic stability to a divided land that needs it. He has ruled his empire without fail and we should trust him to lead us as well. LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Continental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008 .
rough draft #4 for essay #2
A journal entry by a disgruntled loyalists in North Carolina
As a member of the loyalist cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts and mayhem. Patriots have done this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”(Rankin & Babits.4). North Carolina has been and is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high ratio of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading throughout the colonies in just a few weeks from the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like the Patriots force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. The argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because the Patriots claim the king is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of his subjects thousands of miles away. It is clear that they have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was, thus making them hypocrites.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. The Continental Congress have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalists, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights of North Carolina the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can they write these “rights” for ALL men, and then break them treating us loyalists like rabid dogs? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when they will not allow the king to protect us and when the men of congress let patriots tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to us loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists (Van Tyne, Van H. Tyne, & Claude H Van Tyne. 3). I believe that these deeds do not go unheard by the Continental Congress but go unpunished, if the Congress cannot control its Patriotic subjects, how can I, we, expect them to run these colonies in a unified whole. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling. I believe that Northern America to truly be successful we need the economic support of our steadfast King and the loyalist people.
As a loyalist, I believe that economic stability is essential for prosperity of the colonies. The patriots say “ in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1) The Continental Congress wants to stop exporting, importing, and buying/selling slaves. I, for one, think these actions are foolish and childish. For the patriots to make the colonies stop exporting, importing, and buying slaves, means that the people have no income to buy food, clothing, and supplies. Meaning the people would not be able to sell their goods to buy basic necessities, they would not be able to their economy afloat, and the southern states would fail from the lack of labor.
Once again I say as a proud loyalist that the king knows what’s best for this new land and its inhabitants. His experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king. He provides political support, influence, and economic stability to a divided land that needs it. He has ruled his empire without fail and we should trust him to lead us as well. LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Continental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008 .
As a member of the loyalist cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts and mayhem. Patriots have done this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”(Rankin & Babits.4). North Carolina has been and is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high ratio of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading throughout the colonies in just a few weeks from the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like the Patriots force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. The argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because the Patriots claim the king is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of his subjects thousands of miles away. It is clear that they have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was, thus making them hypocrites.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. The Continental Congress have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalists, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights of North Carolina the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can they write these “rights” for ALL men, and then break them treating us loyalists like rabid dogs? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when they will not allow the king to protect us and when the men of congress let patriots tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to us loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists (Van Tyne, Van H. Tyne, & Claude H Van Tyne. 3). I believe that these deeds do not go unheard by the Continental Congress but go unpunished, if the Congress cannot control its Patriotic subjects, how can I, we, expect them to run these colonies in a unified whole. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling. I believe that Northern America to truly be successful we need the economic support of our steadfast King and the loyalist people.
As a loyalist, I believe that economic stability is essential for prosperity of the colonies. The patriots say “ in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1) The Continental Congress wants to stop exporting, importing, and buying/selling slaves. I, for one, think these actions are foolish and childish. For the patriots to make the colonies stop exporting, importing, and buying slaves, means that the people have no income to buy food, clothing, and supplies. Meaning the people would not be able to sell their goods to buy basic necessities, they would not be able to their economy afloat, and the southern states would fail from the lack of labor.
Once again I say as a proud loyalist that the king knows what’s best for this new land and its inhabitants. His experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king. He provides political support, influence, and economic stability to a divided land that needs it. He has ruled his empire without fail and we should trust him to lead us as well. LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Continental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008 .
rough draft number 4 essay #2
A journal entry by a disgruntled loyalists in North Carolina
As a member of the loyalists cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts mayhem subjected to the loyalists by the warmongering patriots. They do this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies. The difference in these opinions between the loyalists and patriots colonists often turns to violence.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”. (Rankin & Babits.pg4). The reason for these outbursts of violence is because of the patriots…
North Carolina is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high number of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading through out the colonies in just a few weeks of the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like you force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. Your argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because you claim it is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of her subjects thousands of miles away. I say to you that you have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. They have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalists, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can you write these “rights” for ALL men, then break them treating us loyalists like rabid animals? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when you will not allow the king to protect us and when you men of congress let your fellow patriot brothers tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to we loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. (Tyne, Tyne, & Tyne. 3) I believe that these deeds do not go unheard but unpunished, how can a bunch of aristocrats run 13 colonies. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling.
Slavery economic problem: “To obtain redress of these grievances, which threaten destruction to the lives liberty, and property of his majesty's subjects, in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1)
Once again I say that the king knows what’s best for this new land its inhabitants; his experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king, nay work with him. He provides economic support, defense civil war, and with a majestic leader we need not fear a corrupt diplomatic system.
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008.
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Contenental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008.
As a member of the loyalists cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts mayhem subjected to the loyalists by the warmongering patriots. They do this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies. The difference in these opinions between the loyalists and patriots colonists often turns to violence.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”. (Rankin & Babits.pg4). The reason for these outbursts of violence is because of the patriots…
North Carolina is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high number of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading through out the colonies in just a few weeks of the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like you force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. Your argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because you claim it is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of her subjects thousands of miles away. I say to you that you have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. They have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalists, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can you write these “rights” for ALL men, then break them treating us loyalists like rabid animals? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when you will not allow the king to protect us and when you men of congress let your fellow patriot brothers tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to we loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. (Tyne, Tyne, & Tyne. 3) I believe that these deeds do not go unheard but unpunished, how can a bunch of aristocrats run 13 colonies. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling.
Slavery economic problem: “To obtain redress of these grievances, which threaten destruction to the lives liberty, and property of his majesty's subjects, in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1)
Once again I say that the king knows what’s best for this new land its inhabitants; his experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king, nay work with him. He provides economic support, defense civil war, and with a majestic leader we need not fear a corrupt diplomatic system.
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Contenental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008
rough draft #3 for essay #2
A journal entry by a disgruntled loyalists in North Carolina
As a member of the loyalists cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts mayhem subjected to the loyalists by the warmongering patriots. They do this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies. The difference in these opinions between the loyalists and patriots colonists often turns to violence.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”. (Rankin & Babits.pg4). The reason for these outbursts of violence is because of the patriots…
North Carolina is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high number of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading through out the colonies in just a few weeks of the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like you force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. Your argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because you claim it is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of her subjects thousands of miles away. I say to you that you have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was.
the patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; you have accused the King of being a tyrant when you yourself have become the tyrannical force. You have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. You have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; you have betrayed his compassion and grace with an ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. In the deceleration of rights you gentlemen write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Constitution of North Carolina.)
How can you write these “rights” for ALL men, then break them treating us loyalists like rabid animals? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when you will not allow the king to protect us and when you men of congress let your fellow patriot brothers tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to we loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 . I believe that these deeds do not go unheard but unpunished, how can a bunch of aristocrats run 13 colonies. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling.
Need one more topic
Once again I say that the king knows what’s best for this new land its inhabitants; his experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king, nay work with him. He provides economic support, defense civil war, and with a majestic leader we need not fear a corrupt diplomatic system.
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
"Constitution of North Carolina." A Declaration of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
As a member of the loyalists cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts mayhem subjected to the loyalists by the warmongering patriots. They do this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies. The difference in these opinions between the loyalists and patriots colonists often turns to violence.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”. (Rankin & Babits.pg4). The reason for these outbursts of violence is because of the patriots…
North Carolina is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high number of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading through out the colonies in just a few weeks of the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like you force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. Your argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because you claim it is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of her subjects thousands of miles away. I say to you that you have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was.
the patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; you have accused the King of being a tyrant when you yourself have become the tyrannical force. You have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. You have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; you have betrayed his compassion and grace with an ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. In the deceleration of rights you gentlemen write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Constitution of North Carolina.)
How can you write these “rights” for ALL men, then break them treating us loyalists like rabid animals? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when you will not allow the king to protect us and when you men of congress let your fellow patriot brothers tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to we loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 . I believe that these deeds do not go unheard but unpunished, how can a bunch of aristocrats run 13 colonies. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling.
Need one more topic
Once again I say that the king knows what’s best for this new land its inhabitants; his experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king, nay work with him. He provides economic support, defense civil war, and with a majestic leader we need not fear a corrupt diplomatic system.
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
"Constitution of North Carolina." A Declaration of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
rough draft #1 for essay #2
A letter to the continental congress from a disgruntled loyalist.
Who do you think gives you the right as continental congress to assume control over the colonies just because you falsely claim His majesty the king of England is being a tyrant? You don’t, the king has more of a right to rule the colonies more than you. Yes he has messed up I wont argue that but he is a mere human like you and me. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. With out the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriot, loyalist, or on the fence between us. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”. Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008. North Carolina is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high number of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading through out the colonies in just a few weeks of the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like you force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. Your argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Brittan because you claim it is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of her subjects thousands of miles away. I say to you that you have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was.
You and the patriots are hypocrites; you have accused the King of being a tyrant when you yourself have become the tyrannical force. You have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. You have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; you have betrayed his compassion and grace with an ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. In the deceleration of rights you gentlemen write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. "Constitution of North Carolina." A Declaration of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008.
How can you write these “rights” for ALL men, then break them treating us loyalists like rabid animals? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when you will not allow the king to protect us and when you men of congress let your fellow patriot brothers tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to we loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008. I believe that these deeds do not go unheard but unpunished, how can a bunch of aristocrats run 13 colonies. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling.
Need one more topic
Once again I say that the king knows what’s best for this new land its inhabitants; his experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king, nay work with him. He provides economic support, defense civil war, and with a majestic leader we need not fear a corrupt diplomatic system.
Who do you think gives you the right as continental congress to assume control over the colonies just because you falsely claim His majesty the king of England is being a tyrant? You don’t, the king has more of a right to rule the colonies more than you. Yes he has messed up I wont argue that but he is a mere human like you and me. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. With out the Kings political support, influence, and economic stability, North Carolina and all the colonies will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
Violence in North Carolina has erupted between colonists that are either patriot, loyalist, or on the fence between us. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”. Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008
You and the patriots are hypocrites; you have accused the King of being a tyrant when you yourself have become the tyrannical force. You have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. You have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; you have betrayed his compassion and grace with an ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. In the deceleration of rights you gentlemen write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. "Constitution of North Carolina." A Declaration of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008
How can you write these “rights” for ALL men, then break them treating us loyalists like rabid animals? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when you will not allow the king to protect us and when you men of congress let your fellow patriot brothers tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to we loyalists.
The torments are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008
Need one more topic
Once again I say that the king knows what’s best for this new land its inhabitants; his experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king, nay work with him. He provides economic support, defense civil war, and with a majestic leader we need not fear a corrupt diplomatic system.
out line #2 for essay #2
Hook/intro/ thesis possibly address this to CC as a letter?
1) Pertains to economics: the patriots, or as they call themselves Whigs, believe that the “taxation with out representation” was a slap to the face. What they ill realized is that our king would have told them about his plan to extract a meager tax out of the colonies, but since it takes 6 weeks for a ship to cross the great expanse that is the aquatic highway and send any type of warning or notice. The king needed the money to help the damage caused to his treasury by defending our colonies and our lives. I know that patriots and loyalists alike didn’t like the unforeseen taxation, but it had little impact on our day-to-day lives but the difference between us is that we [ the loyalists] can empathize with our King.
a) [NEED QUOTE =\ ]
i) Summery and connection to thesis and transfer over to next point
2) Pertains to race/ politics: the patriots were hypocrites, they accused the King of being a tyrant so they declared independence from the king and traded one ruler thousands of miles away to a group of cruel leaders who killed and victimized thousands of loyalists based only on their political standing.[elaborate more]
a) 1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. "Constitution of North Carolina." A Declariation of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008.
I) In North Carolina’s Declaration of rights they state these three rights. in which they successfully breach and have no regard for when attacking the loyalist colonist, the patriots tarred and feathered, hanged, abused, cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to the loyalists.
b) “if they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van tyne , H. van Tyne, Claude H van tyne,. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008.
ii) The patriots are harassing my fellow loyalists and it needs to stop.
3) violence in North Carolina was cause by political standpoints thus very bitter civil strife between parties.
a) In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in north Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other. Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits . "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008.
i) North Carolina was a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate
Conclusion, new insight
1) Pertains to economics: the patriots, or as they call themselves Whigs, believe that the “taxation with out representation” was a slap to the face. What they ill realized is that our king would have told them about his plan to extract a meager tax out of the colonies, but since it takes 6 weeks for a ship to cross the great expanse that is the aquatic highway and send any type of warning or notice. The king needed the money to help the damage caused to his treasury by defending our colonies and our lives. I know that patriots and loyalists alike didn’t like the unforeseen taxation, but it had little impact on our day-to-day lives but the difference between us is that we [ the loyalists] can empathize with our King.
a) [NEED QUOTE =\ ]
i) Summery and connection to thesis and transfer over to next point
2) Pertains to race/ politics: the patriots were hypocrites, they accused the King of being a tyrant so they declared independence from the king and traded one ruler thousands of miles away to a group of cruel leaders who killed and victimized thousands of loyalists based only on their political standing.[elaborate more]
a) 1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. "Constitution of North Carolina." A Declariation of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008
I) In North Carolina’s Declaration of rights they state these three rights. in which they successfully breach and have no regard for when attacking the loyalist colonist, the patriots tarred and feathered, hanged, abused, cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to the loyalists.
b) “if they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van tyne , H. van Tyne, Claude H van tyne,. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008
ii) The patriots are harassing my fellow loyalists and it needs to stop.
3) violence in North Carolina was cause by political standpoints thus very bitter civil strife between parties.
a) In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in north Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other. Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits . "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008
i) North Carolina was a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate
Conclusion, new insight
hugh, rankin. "north carolina continentials." 1(1952): 1-5.
Among other disabilities, the state was poor, while its population was more divided in loyalists than is generally realized. There was also the lack of strong executive leader ship, a characteristic sorely needed in periods of great stress. This is not intended to damn the wartime governors of North Carolina, but to admit that they were handicapped by constitutional and legislative restrictions. And the legislature did not always seem so cooperative as it might have been in the war effort, for too often it appeared more interested in present military matters. Such considerations were not wrong, but only poorly timed.
In North Carolina, this struggle ws particulary venomous for, its has been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in perportion to its population than any other. Some Carolinians [patriots] seemed to take the actions of Great Brittian as a personal affront. hugh, rankin. "north carolina continentials." 1(1952): 1-5.
In North Carolina, this struggle ws particulary venomous for, its has been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in perportion to its population than any other. Some Carolinians [patriots] seemed to take the actions of Great Brittian as a personal affront. hugh, rankin. "north carolina continentials." 1(1952): 1-5.
outline for essay #2 w/o thesis
Outline for the loyalists of North Carolina
1) We Loyal subjects of the great majesty King are subjected to humiliation such as being tarred and feathered and even murder because of our belief that the king will stop the rebal activities and that what he is doing is best for everyone.
a) “But what happened to the Loyalists was similar to what happened in Europe to the Jews during the 2nd World War and would have probably experienced the same fate, had the most venerable of them not fled, (mainly to Canada). The expression ‘Lynch Mob’ comes from the American Patriot Judge Lynch who hung anyone suspected of being a Loyalist with impunity.
The USA had even attempted to cut off a retreat for the Loyalists, by invading Canada with a large force, but a combination of the US troop’s long march through Maine’s wilderness led by Benedict Arnold; Carleton’s defensive tactics and a blizzard fortunately thwarted them.
Those loyalists that didn't flee ran the risk of being dispossessed, tortured or even murdered.” (
i) We loyalists IN North Carolina are law abiding and rarely react in violence, unlike the patriots who use violence to try to keep us quite and exile.” The Loyalists are demonised or dismissed as simply obtuse and their crime of not wanting to live under mob rule, chaos, insecurity, huge debts and the certainty of an ensuing civil war for the next 100 years or so, has in the eyes of the USA, forfeited them any rights.” .(
2) The patriots revolted against the British taxes
a) “No taxation without representation, the rebels said, but they did have representation through the colonial legislature/governor. and were only being asked to pay one twenty-sixth of the tax that a British tax payer paid, who had and were effectively subsidizing them by bearing the burden of their protection.” (
i) The patriots didn’t have a right to be upset over such a little tax to pay back the mother country
3) The patriots make us out to be cowardly thumb suckers who don’t have the courage to stand up to Brittan, but most of us are respected colonists.
a) Loyalists came from all walks of life. The majority were small farmers, artisans and shopkeepers. Not surprisingly, most British officials remained loyal to the Crown. Wealthy merchants tended to remain loyal, as did Anglican ministers, especially in Puritan New England. Loyalists also included some blacks (to whom the British promised freedom), Indians, indentured servants and some German immigrants, who supported the Crown mainly because George III was of German origin. . (
i) Loyalists were ordinary folk, not how the patriots depict us.
The one-sided accounts generally given by American historians, websites and film makers don't often mention the Battle of Penobscot Bay, probably because a mere 50 British redcoats held off 3000 Rebels for several days, until the Royal Navy arrived, at which point they embarked their 40 ships, but only to sail up river where they managed to shipwreck themselves and disappear into the Maine's wilderness never to be seen again.
There were also alternative reasons as to why some people became British Loyalists, for instance, some French, German, and Dutch settlers felt religiously repressed, and they believed that more religious freedom would be provided by the British than their American counterparts. In search of a way out of slavery, several thousand African-Americans joined the British cause, hoping for eventual freedom in return, and the British supported such hopes.
Britain then even conceded most of this disputed area on the solemn understanding that the USA would make every effort and to earnestly resolve the lingering Loyalist issues.
About 100,000 Loyalists left the country, including William Franklin, the son of Benjamin, and John Singleton Copley, the greatest American painter of the period. Most settled in Canada. Some eventually returned, although several state governments excluded the Loyalists from holding public office. In the decades after the Revolution, Americans preferred to forget about the Loyalists. Apart from Copley, the Loyalists became nonpersons in American history. (
Loyalists wanted to pursue peaceful forms of protest because they believed that violence would give rise to mob rule or tyranny. They also believed that independence would mean the loss of economic benefits derived from membership in the British mercantile system. (
and 1/3 of colonists were loyalists
1) We Loyal subjects of the great majesty King are subjected to humiliation such as being tarred and feathered and even murder because of our belief that the king will stop the rebal activities and that what he is doing is best for everyone.
a) “But what happened to the Loyalists was similar to what happened in Europe to the Jews during the 2nd World War and would have probably experienced the same fate, had the most venerable of them not fled, (mainly to Canada). The expression ‘Lynch Mob’ comes from the American Patriot Judge Lynch who hung anyone suspected of being a Loyalist with impunity.
The USA had even attempted to cut off a retreat for the Loyalists, by invading Canada with a large force, but a combination of the US troop’s long march through Maine’s wilderness led by Benedict Arnold; Carleton’s defensive tactics and a blizzard fortunately thwarted them.
Those loyalists that didn't flee ran the risk of being dispossessed, tortured or even murdered.” (
i) We loyalists IN North Carolina are law abiding and rarely react in violence, unlike the patriots who use violence to try to keep us quite and exile.” The Loyalists are demonised or dismissed as simply obtuse and their crime of not wanting to live under mob rule, chaos, insecurity, huge debts and the certainty of an ensuing civil war for the next 100 years or so, has in the eyes of the USA, forfeited them any rights.” .(
2) The patriots revolted against the British taxes
a) “No taxation without representation, the rebels said, but they did have representation through the colonial legislature/governor. and were only being asked to pay one twenty-sixth of the tax that a British tax payer paid, who had and were effectively subsidizing them by bearing the burden of their protection.” (
i) The patriots didn’t have a right to be upset over such a little tax to pay back the mother country
3) The patriots make us out to be cowardly thumb suckers who don’t have the courage to stand up to Brittan, but most of us are respected colonists.
a) Loyalists came from all walks of life. The majority were small farmers, artisans and shopkeepers. Not surprisingly, most British officials remained loyal to the Crown. Wealthy merchants tended to remain loyal, as did Anglican ministers, especially in Puritan New England. Loyalists also included some blacks (to whom the British promised freedom), Indians, indentured servants and some German immigrants, who supported the Crown mainly because George III was of German origin. . (
i) Loyalists were ordinary folk, not how the patriots depict us.
The one-sided accounts generally given by American historians, websites and film makers don't often mention the Battle of Penobscot Bay, probably because a mere 50 British redcoats held off 3000 Rebels for several days, until the Royal Navy arrived, at which point they embarked their 40 ships, but only to sail up river where they managed to shipwreck themselves and disappear into the Maine's wilderness never to be seen again.
There were also alternative reasons as to why some people became British Loyalists, for instance, some French, German, and Dutch settlers felt religiously repressed, and they believed that more religious freedom would be provided by the British than their American counterparts. In search of a way out of slavery, several thousand African-Americans joined the British cause, hoping for eventual freedom in return, and the British supported such hopes.
Britain then even conceded most of this disputed area on the solemn understanding that the USA would make every effort and to earnestly resolve the lingering Loyalist issues.
About 100,000 Loyalists left the country, including William Franklin, the son of Benjamin, and John Singleton Copley, the greatest American painter of the period. Most settled in Canada. Some eventually returned, although several state governments excluded the Loyalists from holding public office. In the decades after the Revolution, Americans preferred to forget about the Loyalists. Apart from Copley, the Loyalists became nonpersons in American history. (
Loyalists wanted to pursue peaceful forms of protest because they believed that violence would give rise to mob rule or tyranny. They also believed that independence would mean the loss of economic benefits derived from membership in the British mercantile system. (
and 1/3 of colonists were loyalists
Text Analysis for Declaration of independence
Who is writing?
Who is the audience?
Mainly the audience is the king of England, but also everyone in the untied states, past and present.
Who does the writer represent?
the continental congress writes on the behalf the colonies and people of America on July 4th, 1776.
What is being said, argued and/or requested?
The document is saying that the colonies are declaring independence from Brittan’s tyranny and they are dissolving all ties with Brittan
How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
the tone of the document is like “screw you, we have had enough of your S***” I cant think of a single word to describe it but there is no argument in the document, what they have written has already been put in place and they are saying to Britain “Bring it”
What is the proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
the justification of declaring independence from the brittish crown is the list of all the stuff he has or has not done, “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world”.
Who is the audience?
Mainly the audience is the king of England, but also everyone in the untied states, past and present.
Who does the writer represent?
the continental congress writes on the behalf the colonies and people of America on July 4th, 1776.
What is being said, argued and/or requested?
The document is saying that the colonies are declaring independence from Brittan’s tyranny and they are dissolving all ties with Brittan
How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
the tone of the document is like “screw you, we have had enough of your S***” I cant think of a single word to describe it but there is no argument in the document, what they have written has already been put in place and they are saying to Britain “Bring it”
What is the proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
the justification of declaring independence from the brittish crown is the list of all the stuff he has or has not done, “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world”.
Thomas Paine, common sense.. non TA leader
whatis being said in the document is that America should be completely free from Britan. Paine uses alot of metaphors to successfuly demonstriat this point and he uses metaphores that are derogotory agiansts britian.
Test Analysis Resolution introduced in the Continental Congress by Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) proposing a Declaration of Independence, June 7, 1776
Text analysis
Austin Gibbs
Resolution introduced in the Continental Congress by Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) proposing a Declaration of Independence, June 7, 1776
Who is writing?
The writer is Richard lee
Who is the audience?
The audience is the Continental Congress
Who does the writer represent?
The writer represents the United Colonies (free and independent states)
What is being said, argued and/or requested?
What is being said is that there needs to be a Declaration of Independence from Brittan, that the Colonies should completely dissolve the ties they have with Brittan
How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
The tone of this document is an urgent one, Lee is urging the Congress to issue a Declaration of Independence “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States,”
What is the proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof that is being used is that he is stating that the United Colonies should be free and independent from Brittan’s tyranny. “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”
Austin Gibbs
Resolution introduced in the Continental Congress by Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) proposing a Declaration of Independence, June 7, 1776
Who is writing?
The writer is Richard lee
Who is the audience?
The audience is the Continental Congress
Who does the writer represent?
The writer represents the United Colonies (free and independent states)
What is being said, argued and/or requested?
What is being said is that there needs to be a Declaration of Independence from Brittan, that the Colonies should completely dissolve the ties they have with Brittan
How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
The tone of this document is an urgent one, Lee is urging the Congress to issue a Declaration of Independence “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States,”
What is the proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof that is being used is that he is stating that the United Colonies should be free and independent from Brittan’s tyranny. “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”
First Continental Congress and PSEC
The first Continental Congress was, to me, was created to negotiate with the British Empire. In the same sense, the advisory council negotiates with us and the main campus for stuff like fundraisers and equipment. I personally would not structure it any different because it would be way too much work and I think it works fine for now. The PSEC community meetings help us as a community come together in the sense that we can talk about and change things that need attention at the time and also helps to be more informed about the bigger scheme of things. What I think a possible challenge to the PSEC Government is the fact that we are a part of the highline community campus but we have no say in what we can do on the main campus because we are a sub campus and we only have a limited jurisdiction[the building] which is not as effective as some people, like me, would like.
Text Analysis Olive branch P.D.
Austin Gibbs
Who is writing?
All four journals are written by the Continental Congress. This is prominent by the list of names signed at the bottom of the first journal entry and the constant usage of “your faithful subjects”
Who is the audience?
The audience the first journal is the king, evidence if this is the beginning sentence, “To the King's most excellent Majesty: MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN”
The audience of the second journal is “the inhabitants of Great Brittan.” Evidence of this is found in the beginning of the entry, “FRIENDS, COUNTRYMEN, AND BRETHREN!”
The audience of the third journal the lord Mayor of London sir Richard Penn, evidence in the title, lol
The audience of the forth journal is the committee and colony agents.
Who do the writers represent?
The many writers of the Continental Congress are representing the colonists’ of the English colonies, such evidence I pulled from the text to support this claim is “We, your Majesty's faithful subjects of the colonies new Hampshire, Massachusetts bay, Rhode island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, in behalf of ourselves, and the inhabitants of these colonies, who have deputed us to represent them in general Congress”(journal #1) “The Inhabitants of this Country” (J #2) and ect.
What is being said, argued and/or requested?
What is being said in the journals is that they have had enough of Brittan’s tyranny, misconduct, and murders on the colonists. “That filled their minds with the most painful fears and jealousies; and, to their inexpressible astonishment, perceived the dangers of a foreign quarrel quickly succeeded by domestic dangers, in their judgment, of a more dreadful kind.”
How is it being said argued and/or requested?
The tone of the first journal is a respectful firmness with humility to which they will start “brown nosing” in the last sentence… ha-ha
The second journal is more accusing Brittan of all the misdeeds they have committed, so I would say an accusatory tone, and they want to stop fighting with the British. Then tappers off into a humble request to stop fighting with the colonists
The tone of the third journal is more sarcastic, “the just tribute of gratitude and thanks, for the virtuous and unsolicited resentment you have strewn to the violated rights of a free people.”
The tone of the forth journal is “pushy”, “You will oblige us, Gentlemen, by giving the most early information to the Congress”
What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof to justifying their request for Brittan to stop hassling the English colonies is as such:
• “Knowing to what violent resentments and incurable animosities, civil discords are apt to exasperate and inflame the contending parties, we think ourselves required by indispensable obligations to Almighty God, to your Majesty, to our fellow subjects, and to ourselves, immediately to use all the means in our power, not incompatible with our safety, for stopping the further effusion of blood, and for averting the impending calamities that threaten the British Empire.”
• “In a former Address we asserted our Rights, and stated the Injuries we had then received. We hoped, that the mention of our Wrongs would have roused that honest Indignation which has slept too long for your Honor, or the Welfare of the Empire. But we have not been permitted to entertain this pleasing expectation. Every Day brought an accumulation of Injuries, and the Invention of the Ministry has been constantly exercised, in adding to the Calamities of your American Brethren”
• “Yet, we cannot but observe, that a British Fleet (unjustified even by Acts of your Legislature) are daily employed in ruining our Commerce, seizing our Ships, and depriving whole Communities of their daily Bread. Nor will a Regard for your Honour permit us to be silent, while British Troops sully your Glory, by Actions, which the most inveterate Enmity will not palliate among civilized Nations, the wanton and unnecessary Destruction of Charlestown, a large, ancient, and once populous Town, just before deserted by its Inhabitants, who had fled to avoid the Fury of your Soldiery.”
• “A cruel war has at length been opened age us, and whilst we prepare to defend ourselves like the descendants of Britons, we still hope that the mediation of wise and good citizens, will at length prevail over despotism, and restore harmony and peace, on permanent principles, to an oppressed and divided empire”
Who is writing?
All four journals are written by the Continental Congress. This is prominent by the list of names signed at the bottom of the first journal entry and the constant usage of “your faithful subjects”
Who is the audience?
The audience the first journal is the king, evidence if this is the beginning sentence, “To the King's most excellent Majesty: MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN”
The audience of the second journal is “the inhabitants of Great Brittan.” Evidence of this is found in the beginning of the entry, “FRIENDS, COUNTRYMEN, AND BRETHREN!”
The audience of the third journal the lord Mayor of London sir Richard Penn, evidence in the title, lol
The audience of the forth journal is the committee and colony agents.
Who do the writers represent?
The many writers of the Continental Congress are representing the colonists’ of the English colonies, such evidence I pulled from the text to support this claim is “We, your Majesty's faithful subjects of the colonies new Hampshire, Massachusetts bay, Rhode island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, in behalf of ourselves, and the inhabitants of these colonies, who have deputed us to represent them in general Congress”(journal #1) “The Inhabitants of this Country” (J #2) and ect.
What is being said, argued and/or requested?
What is being said in the journals is that they have had enough of Brittan’s tyranny, misconduct, and murders on the colonists. “That filled their minds with the most painful fears and jealousies; and, to their inexpressible astonishment, perceived the dangers of a foreign quarrel quickly succeeded by domestic dangers, in their judgment, of a more dreadful kind.”
How is it being said argued and/or requested?
The tone of the first journal is a respectful firmness with humility to which they will start “brown nosing” in the last sentence… ha-ha
The second journal is more accusing Brittan of all the misdeeds they have committed, so I would say an accusatory tone, and they want to stop fighting with the British. Then tappers off into a humble request to stop fighting with the colonists
The tone of the third journal is more sarcastic, “the just tribute of gratitude and thanks, for the virtuous and unsolicited resentment you have strewn to the violated rights of a free people.”
The tone of the forth journal is “pushy”, “You will oblige us, Gentlemen, by giving the most early information to the Congress”
What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof to justifying their request for Brittan to stop hassling the English colonies is as such:
• “Knowing to what violent resentments and incurable animosities, civil discords are apt to exasperate and inflame the contending parties, we think ourselves required by indispensable obligations to Almighty God, to your Majesty, to our fellow subjects, and to ourselves, immediately to use all the means in our power, not incompatible with our safety, for stopping the further effusion of blood, and for averting the impending calamities that threaten the British Empire.”
• “In a former Address we asserted our Rights, and stated the Injuries we had then received. We hoped, that the mention of our Wrongs would have roused that honest Indignation which has slept too long for your Honor, or the Welfare of the Empire. But we have not been permitted to entertain this pleasing expectation. Every Day brought an accumulation of Injuries, and the Invention of the Ministry has been constantly exercised, in adding to the Calamities of your American Brethren”
• “Yet, we cannot but observe, that a British Fleet (unjustified even by Acts of your Legislature) are daily employed in ruining our Commerce, seizing our Ships, and depriving whole Communities of their daily Bread. Nor will a Regard for your Honour permit us to be silent, while British Troops sully your Glory, by Actions, which the most inveterate Enmity will not palliate among civilized Nations, the wanton and unnecessary Destruction of Charlestown, a large, ancient, and once populous Town, just before deserted by its Inhabitants, who had fled to avoid the Fury of your Soldiery.”
• “A cruel war has at length been opened age us, and whilst we prepare to defend ourselves like the descendants of Britons, we still hope that the mediation of wise and good citizens, will at length prevail over despotism, and restore harmony and peace, on permanent principles, to an oppressed and divided empire”
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