
out line #2 for essay #2

Hook/intro/ thesis possibly address this to CC as a letter?

1) Pertains to economics: the patriots, or as they call themselves Whigs, believe that the “taxation with out representation” was a slap to the face. What they ill realized is that our king would have told them about his plan to extract a meager tax out of the colonies, but since it takes 6 weeks for a ship to cross the great expanse that is the aquatic highway and send any type of warning or notice. The king needed the money to help the damage caused to his treasury by defending our colonies and our lives. I know that patriots and loyalists alike didn’t like the unforeseen taxation, but it had little impact on our day-to-day lives but the difference between us is that we [ the loyalists] can empathize with our King.
a) [NEED QUOTE =\ ]
i) Summery and connection to thesis and transfer over to next point

2) Pertains to race/ politics: the patriots were hypocrites, they accused the King of being a tyrant so they declared independence from the king and traded one ruler thousands of miles away to a group of cruel leaders who killed and victimized thousands of loyalists based only on their political standing.[elaborate more]

a) 1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. "Constitution of North Carolina." A Declariation of Rights &C December 18, 1776 1. 16 Nov 2008 .
I) In North Carolina’s Declaration of rights they state these three rights. in which they successfully breach and have no regard for when attacking the loyalist colonist, the patriots tarred and feathered, hanged, abused, cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to the loyalists.

b) “if they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists. Van tyne , H. van Tyne, Claude H van tyne,. "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
ii) The patriots are harassing my fellow loyalists and it needs to stop.

3) violence in North Carolina was cause by political standpoints thus very bitter civil strife between parties.

a) In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in north Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other. Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits . "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
i) North Carolina was a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate

Conclusion, new insight

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