A journal entry by a disgruntled loyalist in North Carolina
As a member of the loyalist cause in North Carolina, I have witnessed countless malevolent acts and mayhem at the hands of the Patriots. The Patriots have done this to us loyal colonists because we remain steadfast in our faith to our Majestic Sovereign Lord, the King of England. The reason for they’re actions is irrational, nay they are incongruous. The Patriots believe that withdrawing from the empire and the King’s influence will be a good because the Patriots have made the king out to be an irrational tyrant. By exaggerating rumors the patriots claim that it’s the king’s fault for all the taxes and economic turmoil’s that some of the colonies are facing. It is not the king’s fault for the circumstances surrounding the civil strife and the ill content of the rebelling patriots. WE need the Kings’ support in these colonies. Without the Kings political support, protection, and economic stability, North Carolina (and all the colonies) will soon fall prey to civil war, corrupt dictatorship and division of the once united colonies.
I have seen Violence in North Carolina has erupt in the form of a civil war between colonists that are either patriots or loyalists. “In the years just before the outbreaks of the rebellion in the American colonies, violence and civil strife were peculiar characteristics of a bitter political struggle, in North Carolina this struggle was particularly venomous for, it had been said, the colony contained a greater number of loyalists in proportion to its population than any other”(Rankin & Babits.4). North Carolina has been and is a hot spot for civil conflict and political debate because of the high ratio of loyalists to patriots. Usually the patriots outnumbered the loyalists three to one, but in North Carolina the odds were pretty much even or even more so in the loyalists favor. Conflict is spreading throughout the colonies in just a few weeks from the King’s absence of power; imagine what the colonies will be like the Patriots force the people to secede from the protection of the gracious King. The argument for dissolving the ties we have with our mother country Britain because the Patriots claim the king is a tyrannical force out to bend the will of his subjects thousands of miles away. It is clear that they have become a more terrifying and cruel ruler then the king ever was, thus making them hypocrites.
The patriots and Continental Congress are hypocrites; they have accused the King of being a tyrant when they have become a tyrannical force more spiteful then the King. They have traded a Monarchical tyranny for a democratic tyranny. The Continental Congress have declared independence from the king who protected us from the French and Indians; they have betrayed his compassion and grace with ill-fitting contempt for him and his loyal subjects still among the colonies. This is why I am a loyalist, the King has protected us and has given our colony economic stability, which we repay his kindness with loyalty and reverence. In the deceleration of rights of North Carolina the Continental Congress write,
“1st That there are certain natural rights of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity, among which are the enjoyment of life, and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
9th That no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, privileges or franchises, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property but by the law of the land.
13th. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”. (Thorpe 1.)
How can they write these “rights” for ALL men, and then break them treating us loyalists like rabid dogs? We have the right to pursue life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. How can we do so when they will not allow the king to protect us and when the men of congress let patriots tar and feather my loyalist’s brethren, burning our houses, destroying our land, hanged, abused, used cruel and unusual punishments, and all other meticulous deeds to us loyalists.
The torments caused by this civil war and lack of protection are so atrocious that many loyalists are lucky to escape and move away, “If they escaped [the loyalists] at all they had cause to rejoice. Letters soon followed them telling of insults and threats to the friends that remained. Their private coaches burned or pulled in pieces, loads of the rich importers goods were attacked and destroyed or stolen, and his effigy hung up in a conspicuous place in sight of his house, during the day, to be burned or ignominiously treated at night. One his riding horse, with saddle and bridle tarred and an image on its back, driven though town with an infamous figure pinned on the figures breast. Others were frightened by finding incendiary letters which intimidated tortures for all loyalists (Van Tyne, Van H. Tyne, & Claude H Van Tyne. 3). I believe that these deeds do not go unheard by the Continental Congress but go unpunished, if the Congress cannot control its Patriotic subjects, how can I, we, expect them to run these colonies in a unified whole. It takes a king, solid, righteous, and powerful to effectively run things. Look at all the chaos that has manifest itself in the short while that the patriots are rebelling. I believe that Northern America to truly be successful we need the economic support of our steadfast King and the loyalist people.
As a loyalist, I believe that economic stability is essential for prosperity of the colonies. The patriots say “ in North-America, we are of opinion, that a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement, faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual, and peaceable measure: And, therefore, we do, for ourselves, and the inhabitants of the several colonies, whom we represent, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred ties of virtue, honour and love of our country,[...] We will neither import nor purchase, any slave imported after the first day of December next; after which time, we will wholly discontinue the slave trade, and will neither be concerned in it ourselves, nor will we hire our vessels, nor sell our commodities or manufactures to those who are concerned in it.”(Chauncey 1) The Continental Congress wants to stop exporting, importing, and buying/selling slaves. I, for one, think these actions are foolish and childish. For the patriots to make the colonies stop exporting, importing, and buying slaves, means that the people have no income to buy food, clothing, and supplies. Meaning the people would not be able to sell their goods to buy basic necessities, they would not be able to their economy afloat, and the southern states would fail from the lack of labor.
Once again I say as a proud loyalist that the king knows what’s best for this new land and its inhabitants. His experience and power have led this mass of people in the right direction for along time. We need not reseed from the empire, but harmonize with the king. He provides political support, protection, and economic stability to a divided land that needs it. He has ruled his empire without fail and we should trust him to lead us as well. LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!
Hugh F. Rankin, Lawrence Babits. "The North Carolina Continentals." ISBN 0807856622(2005) 3-15. 17 Nov 2008 .
Thorpe, Francis. "Constitution of North Carolina." The Avalon Project. 1906. 19 Nov 2008 .
Van Tyne, H. van Tyne, Claude H van Tyne . "The loyalists in the American Revolution." (1975-1989) 45-46. 17 Nov 2008 .
Ford, Chauncey. "Journals of the Continental Congress." The Avalon Project. 1905. 19 Nov 2008 .
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